CSA Member Guidelines

By signing up for Wonka’s Harvest’s pay-what-you-can CSA, we expect our CSA members to be understanding and responsive of our communication and logistics. Below are outlined expectations of what we will do for our CSA members and what we expect form our CSA members in return to ensure the best experience for our members and our farm!



WHAT WE DO: CSA boxes will be delivered at the requested location on Tuesdays. We will send a reminder the evening before the Tuesday delivery with box contents and delivery times.

WHAT YOU DO: If you have a cooler, please leave it outside for us to place your CSA share in. Otherwise, your grocery bag of produce will be waiting for you on your stoop!

HOW YOU CAN MAKE IT EASIER ON US: If you will not be able to receive your share for whatever reason (traveling, emergencies, etc.), please give us notice of this ahead of time so that we can plan accordingly. Those shares will be delivered to the Madison Community Fridge instead.


WHAT WE DO: CSA members will be receiving our top quality produce. Our produce is harvested, handled, and washed under the FSMA standards of food safety. We will make an active effort to include the best ways to store each vegetable so that you can enjoy them at their peak for the longest amount of time.  

WHAT YOU DO: Please be mindful of how long your produce has been sitting outside and understand that it is your responsibility upon delivery to bring produce in and store appropriately. We expect that you wash everything before eating it, even produce that has already been washed.

HOW YOU CAN MAKE IT EASIER ON US: Our produce is not being sprayed by insecticides or herbicides for the health of our CSA members and our other living critters so our top quality produce might not always match your expectation or standards. We hope that you are understanding of this, but we will happily welcome any concerns you may have with our produce quality. 


WHAT WE DO: We will send an email to our CSA members the Monday before each CSA delivery day with a list of produce that will be in the share. We will include any other updates, changes, or exciting news in these emails, including excess produce that is available for purchase through our Farm Store!

WHAT YOU DO: Watch out for our correspondence so that you can coordinate accordingly with your grocery runs, farmers market visits, and other food preparation to reduce food waste.

HOW YOU CAN MAKE IT EASIER ON US: If you have any concerns with the contents of the CSA or receiving your produce, please shoot us an email ahead of time and we can try our best to accommodate specific needs and changes.