This year CSA add-ons are back, and we have some new ones to offer!

Returning is the Wonka’s Harvest pasture-raised pork add-on, the hot pepper add-on, and the medicinal herb add-on!

New this year and linked to the side are our cut flower add-on, which gives you the option to add beautiful handmade bouquets to your regular CSA, and an exciting partnership with Sitka Seafood Market!

Not signed up for a 2025 CSA yet? Just follow the link below to sign up now! Now serving both the Madison and Milwaukee area communities with our same customizable pay-what-you-can CSA — and back this year is the option for delivery straight to your door. Don’t wait, sign up now and select your favorite add-ons, too!

Where to Find Us

Follow us more closely on Instagram and Facebook for live updates on what is happening on the farm!